Vignette 11 Is Coming Soon...
December 11, 2013
Oh I know - where is it??? It's coming - I promise!!! As soon as I have it here in my hot little hands I will let everyone know - at once! Here are a few little sneak peeks from one of my favourite issues yet. There's Block Two of Mrs. Beasley's Sampler Quilt:
Block Two would look great just framed on it's own. I am completely addicted to butterflies (as you know) but am even more inspired by them after recent events both in my own garden and also after visiting Queen Lili'ukolani's quilt at the Iolani Palace in Hawaii. That quilt has inspired me beyond belief, but more about that soon:
There's plenty to keep you busy in this block:
There's a bit of applique for you once again:
Maybe you'd like to try a different quilt too? Next blog post I'll tell you about The Summer Gypsy Quilt...
Until then,
Leanne Beasley xxx