Tuesday's Tip...In The Studio
Vignette Issue 11 Update

Vignette Issue 11

I have so much for you in Vignette Issue 11 I cannot wait to share it with you all. One of my favourite projects is the 'Summer Gypsy' Quilt. Not only is there full instruction to complete the quilt but I cover, in detail, my most used embroidery stitches.

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As above, there are French Knots and as below, a few of my own invented stitches that I often get asked about:

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Such as Back Stitch filled in with Back Stitch. This is a favourite of mine and I use it in a lot of my patterns. I love to recommend this one for the girls that don't enjoy Satin Stitch!

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I also cover my Double Back Stitch, Satin Stitch, Normal Back Stitch plus a few other hints and tips on stitchery.

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This is one of my all time favourite quilts and I hope you enjoy the three blocks of stitchery featured in the quilt (as pictured above). It's bright and happy and has a story to go with the quilt. As the Hawaiian Quilters say, "A quilt cannot help but tell the stitcher's story."

Back soon,

Leanne Beasley xxx



Ale Balanzario

Great work of embroidery!!


Any update on when this will be available???


Hi Leanne, just wondering how long before vignette 11 is out? really enjoy your magazine, love that itis Australian and has info on what is new. I think i might be in withdrawals waiting! lol

Sue Potts

Was wondering where to purchase Vignette Issue 11 please Leanne?

Robyn of The Rat

Teaser! It can't be long before Issue 11 is in the stores then! :)


Cant wait...so love these mags...full of fabulous patterns, recipes and good advice for stitching.
Hugs x


OOO I wonder if my shop has it in already. I was only there yesterday and didn't think to look! I do love your "fill in" stitches. They really give the work some interest. Thanks for sharing again.


Where can I get a copy of this? I live in the USA.

Christine B.

Really looking forward to getting my copy of Vignette 11! Your lovely photographs always make everything look so scrumptious and tempting!!

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