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May 2013

Do You Have A Spectacular Chutney Recipe???

It's Easter. Am I thinking about Easter Eggs? No, I'm thinking about Tomato Chutney. Why? Well I'm not having an Easter Break as such but working on Issue 11 of Vignette (10 is at the printer and I am busting for it to arrive and you will know the minute it arrives here!!). Soooooo why am I thinking about chutney? Because in Issue 11 I have a zucchini slice recipe (perfect for when the girls come over for a Sew-In) but, well, every zucchini slice needs a tomato chutney:

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It seems all my old recipes are just not quite right. Then I thought of you. Do you have a tomato chutney recipe? If you do and would love to see it in Vignette Issue 11 then be part of this give away. Email me the following to be in it:

1. Your most favourite original tomato chutney recipe that you are willing to have published in Vignette magazine.

2. The story of your tomato chutney recipe (about 25-100 words). For example: it's a family recipe and we make it every year..., this was my Mum's recipe and it was always served at Easter with..., etc.

3. A photo of yourself if you would like that published.

4. Your story (25-100 words) if you would like that published. For example: I'm a Quilter from Quilt Creek in Western Australia. I love spending my spare time in the vegetable patch....,etc.

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The winner will receive a years subscription to Vignette magazine (issues 10, 11, 12 & 13) for themselves and five friends. Of course you'll want to do a little bit of showing off being published and everything so I will throw in five extra copies of Issue 11 so you can share the love of your very special tomato chutney recipe.

All entries need to be received by Friday 12th April 2013.

Off you go now and grab out that recipe folder!

Leanne Beasley xxx


Vignette Issue 10...

...Will be here soon(ish):

If you are on the e-newsletter list you will already have received a note from us letting you know. If you didn't get an e-newsletter, well, really, why not sign up now! Head to the top right hand side of the blog and, well, just be part of it!

Can't wait to share this issue with you!!

Leanne Beasley xxx


I Get The Message...

Okay girls (and a few guys too from my emails!) I am hearing you: Life will not be the same unless you get a postcard with the Mini Pincushion No.1 on it.

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If you are not visiting me at an event this year then you can get your first (and following) postcards from your favourite patchwork store.

Each time a store places an order they receive a postcard for each product. We have had orders today from Coffs Harbour to Washington so they are now shipping and heading out to you - no matter where you are in the world!


Leanne Beasley xxx


The First Free Project on a Postcard...

So most of you out there have been reading my blog for awhile now. You know me. You know I can't just stop at one. I make something and I want to make more. And so the Mini Pincushion Collection began...

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I needed just a small pincushion to throw into my sewing tin when I went stitching with my sewing circle friends. I whipped up this little pincushion (and it is little) about 3" finished! Of course then I started thinking how nice it would be to have one for each of my sewing tins which lead to "Wouldn't it be nice to share these with everyone!" So here it is: Mini Pincushion No.1:

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I simply used scraps of fabric and threads to whip it up:

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I used scraps of threads left over from my Pretty Stitches Doily Collection Pattern:

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Here are the thread numbers if you don't have the pattern:

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Why not make up a little kit for yourself or for a good friend:

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How do you get your first free postcard? Come and see me at The Monbulk Community Quilt Show this Saturday from 9:30am, hosted by Mrs. Martin's Quilt Shop. It is at the corner of Main Street and Moores Road in Monbulk, Victoria (look for the fire truck out the front). It's $5 entry and the whole day is to support the local CFA - my favourite charity!

Hope to see you there,

Leanne Beasley xxx



Tilda Fabric...

When I first visited Norway to teach I was introduced to the wonderful world of Tilda. Immediately I fell in love with all products Tilda and (needless to say) had great difficulty closing my suitcase on the way home! So you can imagine how incredibly happy I was when I discovered that Tilda fabric was heading all the way Down Under! My brand new Block of the Month quilt is inspired by Tilda fabric and my love of all things quilting and embroidery.

Here's the fabrics used in 'Mrs. Beasley's Sampler Quilt':

Note: All fabrics are strips. There is not very much left over fabric so you may wish to purchase more if you feel like you need room for error.

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Above: Row One: 4" strip, 4" strip / Row Two: 2 1/2" strip, 2 1/2" strip, 2 1/2" strip / Row Three: 4" strip, 4" strip, 4" strip.

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Above: Row One: 2 1/2" strip, 3 1/2" strip, 2 1/2" strip, 4" strip / Row Two: 9" strip.

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Above: Top to bottom: 3" strip (sashing), 3" strip, 6 1/2" strip, 9 1/2" strip.

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Above: Left to Right: 2 1/2" strip, 6 1/2" strip, 6 1/2" strip, and raspberry 6" strip for quilt PLUS 10" strip for binding.

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Above: These are Lecien Basics fabrics: The green 6 1/2" strip and the pink 10" strip.

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For the backing I would recommend purchasing the most delicious Tilda that you cannot live without, 1m (1 yard) will do the trick!

Live with a creative heart,

Leanne Beasley xxx

P.S. If you'd like a sneak peek of the quilt come and visit me this Saturday at the Monbulk Quilt Show in Monbulk, Victoria. Would love to share it with you and catch up for a chat!

So Much Going On...

Really happy to finally start the Photoshop class I had been wanting to do. So excited after class that I could hardly sleep so I did this:

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Wait until next term when I do 'In Design and Photoshop!' - there will be no stopping me!! LOL

Yes, the above is another sneak peek of 'Mrs. Beasley's Sampler Quilt'. This is also part of Block one (one of my favourite little mini blocks!)

Yesterday saw me out at the flower farm for fantastic flowers for more photography this weekend. Can you believe it? all this for $24! picked that morning!:

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Also, someone asked me about the scissors that I had in a photo (sorry, can't remember who) recently, needing more info on how to get them. They are not available here in Australia (yet) but are my all time favourite scissors; really strong and very sharp and have the best point for embroidery and applique on them. They also have big handles so are easy to use. I have a few different sizes. They are a from China and have two beautiful storks on them:

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Also girls, we are hoping to have Vignette Issue 10 ready very soon, stay tuned and I will keep you updated here and also via personal email newsletter. If you haven't signed up for the newsletter you can by subscribing (see top left hand side of the blog and follow the easy instructions). There is a newsletter for stores and one for those of you who just enjoy my designs.

The short version of the story is that our printer unfortunately went into receivership and now is no longer in existence. A very sad story not just for me but the fifty plus people who worked there. Most of them have been fortunate enough to find other jobs but not all of them yet. My huge challenge has been to find another printer who can do the type of printing I need at the price I need at the quality level I need in the timeframe I need!

Anyway enough of that, Vignette is coming and it just gives you a little more time to buy your fabrics and threads. More about the fabric next blog post...

Leanne Beasley xxx



Threads Threads Threads....

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A few Cosmo thread numbers might help:

475 - the most delicious dark grey

474 - the most delicious light grey

502 - think candy

504 - think this kinda candy:

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241A - okay I love this raspberry red and I know I use it all the time - can't you see why?

374 - a light peacock

375 - a darker peacock

630A - very light green

117 - summer grass green

632 - oh! it must be autumn and the grass is a little greener

Then, I realised life is so much sweeter with a little variegation. So I added in some Cosmo Seasons Threads:

8008 - a whole bunch of candy

8055 - a flock of peacocks

8021 - lying in the summer grass with a glass of white wine and a picnic.

Sneak peek of one of the mini blocks in Block One (where there is now a whole bunch of candy):

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You will need lots of these...

Leanne Beasley xxx