Do You Have A Spectacular Chutney Recipe???
March 29, 2013
It's Easter. Am I thinking about Easter Eggs? No, I'm thinking about Tomato Chutney. Why? Well I'm not having an Easter Break as such but working on Issue 11 of Vignette (10 is at the printer and I am busting for it to arrive and you will know the minute it arrives here!!). Soooooo why am I thinking about chutney? Because in Issue 11 I have a zucchini slice recipe (perfect for when the girls come over for a Sew-In) but, well, every zucchini slice needs a tomato chutney:
It seems all my old recipes are just not quite right. Then I thought of you. Do you have a tomato chutney recipe? If you do and would love to see it in Vignette Issue 11 then be part of this give away. Email me the following to be in it:
1. Your most favourite original tomato chutney recipe that you are willing to have published in Vignette magazine.
2. The story of your tomato chutney recipe (about 25-100 words). For example: it's a family recipe and we make it every year..., this was my Mum's recipe and it was always served at Easter with..., etc.
3. A photo of yourself if you would like that published.
4. Your story (25-100 words) if you would like that published. For example: I'm a Quilter from Quilt Creek in Western Australia. I love spending my spare time in the vegetable patch....,etc.
The winner will receive a years subscription to Vignette magazine (issues 10, 11, 12 & 13) for themselves and five friends. Of course you'll want to do a little bit of showing off being published and everything so I will throw in five extra copies of Issue 11 so you can share the love of your very special tomato chutney recipe.
All entries need to be received by Friday 12th April 2013.
Off you go now and grab out that recipe folder!
Leanne Beasley xxx