Time For Basting...
November 24, 2009
The last few days have seen me busy finishing off my new Block of The Month Quilt, 'Down In The Garden'. Once again Rosie and I found ourselves basting:
We have been basting quilts together on this kitchen table for more than twenty years! This table was Rosie's Mum's and it's been passed down to her now. Thanks to Rosie's hubby for snapping a few shots of us basting:
Rosie and I also popped over to one of our favourite shops, Patchwork with Gail B, today. I just couldn't resist some more of the PVC coated fabric for my kitchen table:
It's fantastic because it just wipes clean but looks divine as well.
For those of you after Cosmo threads Gail B's has a range of them in as well. As with all new and exciting products they take time to arrive here so the range is limited until more stock arrives:
Leanne Beasley xxx