Did you miss me?
June 18, 2007
Yes, I am still here girls and I haven't forgotten you. Have spent the last little bit in bed (watching endless hours of Columbo DVDs) recovering from the flu. I know I'm not well when I can't even bring myself to sit at the sewing machine!
Anyway back on board today (thanks to wonderful medication!)so it was a BIG catch up day. Best part of catch up day was catching up with Lynelle Slade from Australian Country Threads and her friend Linda (and we get to catch up again on Wednesday night at a quilt history lecture!!! - stay tuned) and Gail Pan and Rosalie Quinlan (we missed you Melly)and Melinda from Around the Block Quilting. We had a divine lunch at our local restaurant, Reel Cafe. Here's Rosalie and Lynelle:
Tommorow will be a frantic sewing day so I will have plenty to show you I hope!
I did manage to snap this photo the other day, because even when I'm not feeling well, I still have my camera with me! This is a shot for the ladies overseas. It's just a local 'side of the road' photo but it made me realise why I love Australia SO MUCH:
Back to my fluffly doona and quilts now (and maybe my new Columbo DVD from Amazon) and I'll see you tommorow....
Leanne Beasley xxx (achoo)
Hi Leanne, sorry I am in late in commenting here - I wanted to tell you that 'yes' you are missed. You are a daily inspiration to me and I totally understand how you must have felt because I had the flu last week too - yukky... SO glad you are starting to feel better...
LOVE your photo too - simply magnificent.
x Janelle
Posted by: Janelle Wind | June 20, 2007 at 01:51 PM
Hope you are feeling better. Rest up or it may return, they are tricky little things these flu bugs.
Posted by: Leanne | June 19, 2007 at 08:24 PM
Hope you're feeling better soon and back into everything. So great to see Rosie looking so well in your photo. Loved the side of the road pic - wish the side of the road looked a bit more like that here where I live.
Posted by: Leisa | June 19, 2007 at 06:54 AM
Oh I do hope you are feeling better now, no fun beeing sick :(
Posted by: Anne Heidi | June 19, 2007 at 04:24 AM
Godspeed - Take care, hope you're well soon.
Posted by: Screen door | June 19, 2007 at 02:38 AM
Columbo! What memories that brings back!
I'm glad you're feeling better.
Lovely photo. It makes me want to visit Australia even more than ever.
Posted by: Anina | June 19, 2007 at 01:29 AM
The quilt history lecture sounds so interesting, I can't wait to hear more about it. Hope you are feeling better soon- i bet your sewing machine misses you.
From Nicky
Posted by: nicky | June 18, 2007 at 10:47 PM
Oh Yes we did miss you! Your posts are always so full of great things to read and we always are ready for more. The nasty flu bug is not to be messed with, it's usually best to just give up and go to bed for rest. I would probably have a GILMORE GIRLS marathon instead of COLUMBO, we all have our favorite. I hope that you are nearly 100% better and back to your sewing machine right away!
Posted by: Conni Lu | June 18, 2007 at 10:05 PM
Oh poor Leanne. I had suspected that you were down with a lurgy. Yes I absolutely agree with you - when you can't even find the energy to do some sewing then you know you are ill.
Way, way, way back in 1987 when I was housesitting my sister's house, and most especially the cats and dogs, the very first Saturday I was there I came down with just about the worst dose of flu that I have ever had. She had a small set of shops literally right over the road from her - throw a stone in her front yard and you would hit the supermarket.
Anyway by the following Thursday I felt so bad that I couldn't even make it across there to buy essentials, orange juice, food, TISSUES.... Mum at this time was filling in for my sister at her work and I knew she would be driving right past. Anyway out went the SOS and like the wonderful Mum that she is (rates 10 stars out of five - ie SuperMum), said she would do the shopping and drop it in. I knew she wouldn't have much time so I was lying in bed (conveniently right at the front of the house) keeping a look out for her.
When her car arrived I stood up in (or on) bed (don't ask me why must have been the flu), tried to put my dressing gown on and succeeded in getting my right foot completely entangled in it. I came down from about one and half feet with all my weight on my right ankle turned under. CCCRRRRUUUNNNNCCCCCHHH!!!!
I don't remember feeling any pain at this stage but I must have realised that I'd stuffed it as I hopped down the corridor to answer the door. It wasn't until after Mum had left (and I didn't even think to mention it to her) that I realised how much damage I had done. My ankle was the size of a football. I spent the rest of the day with packs of frozen peas surrounding it until Mum came back in the afternoon and took me to the Doctors.
Diagnosis: well and truly stuffed ankle.
One ray of sunshine though. By 3pm that afternoon I had not a trace of flu. Bit of a drastic way to get rid of it though.
Hope you are feeling better.
Bywong NSW
PS There is a chance that we might wake up to snow tomorrow morning. Children are keeping there fingers crossed, because apart from the excitement of the white stuff, it also means the school buses don't run. They can't make it up to our plateau.
Posted by: Jocelyn House | June 18, 2007 at 09:38 PM
What a lovely photos you made. Rosie looks so good and happy and the ‘just a local 'side of the road' photo’ is a beautiful graphic one! I hope you will soon be better!
Posted by: nicolette | June 18, 2007 at 08:58 PM
Hope you are feeling better Leanne. Love the 'side of the road' picture.
Posted by: Heidi | June 18, 2007 at 08:53 PM