I love my job...
May 31, 2007
In between writing blog entries on my wonderful trip this week, I have been very busy preparing for the upcoming 'Quiltganza' this weekend, held by Waverley Patchworkers. Today was a day of running around collecting my originals (that you get to see on the pattern covers and in the books)from a few of my local shops. What a start to the day! With Mum in tow we headed off for a 'quick' visit to Mrs. Martin's Quilt Shop in Monbulk, about 10 minutes from my home. From the minute we got there it was relax mode I think (the shop has that effect!). This was in the front garden for the last day of Autumn:
A few of the local ladies were having their stitching morning, and a wonderful morning tea, that Mum and I got invited to join, so we did! The 'quick' visit turned into a few hours!:
Then it was over to Foothills Fabric and Threads in Tecoma, about 5 minutes from my home. After a lovely chat with Lesley (and fabric fondling) and picking up quilts, then it was over to Creative Abundance, my distributors, to collect some stock for 'Quiltganza' and take everything that I'd collected for the day to Attic Quilts in Beaconsfield, about 30 minutes from my home. But oh no, we wouldn't have enough time to get there and back before school pickup! Oh well, time for a nice lunch for Mum and I......
Then after school pickup (with a VERY restless 5 year old in tow) we headed off to Attic Quilts to hand everything over to Marcia ready for her stand at 'Quiltganza'.
What should arrive in the mail (and you know how I LOVE the mail) but this:
A fantastic parcel from Connie in the USA! (Even the stamps had the Gee's Bend Quilts on them!) And as if I wasn't excited enough she sent me some divine fabrics and some sewing notions including the most beautiful needlecase:
(Check out Connie's 365 quilt that she's started on - her May 24 Blog entry.)
Yes, I really am a lucky girl. Not to mention my hubby took care of dinner (even if it was Chinese takeaway)!
Leanne Beasley xxx